I'm sad to say I missed when talk about this first came out in June of last year. It's come up again due to numbers coming in on the amount of tickets being written to elementary students. Yes, that's right - elementary students. If you haven't seen what I'm talking about the article is here Tickets in schools, What the heck has happened to our society. Now misdemeanors are handed out like once "swats" or "paddles" were when I was a kid. I'm glad to say this isn't happening in the district I'm in, but heard some teachers would love for it to be implemented here. I am totally against this of course, but the way kids are today I see where the teachers are coming from. We live in a sue happy time and everyone wants things their way.
I don't remember when we all became a society of making the mighty dollar more than spending time with family. I long for the days of the Blue Law, when most stores were closed so people could either go to church, visit with family or just rest altogether.
People want to complain about the parenting some kids aren't getting and I don't imagine it not to be true, but we as a society helped by taking the one day parents can enjoy being a parent by making them work. Also, what the heck happened to the paddling days anyway. When I went to school if a kid got sent to the office we all knew what that meant and let me say it didn't happen often. They got paddled.
Kids are not stupid as my son will tell you. He saw it at it's best when he would be bullied, but always when a teacher wouldn't "see". They are smart and no the school can't really do anything. They make a phone call to the parent and then it's up to the parent. The same parent that is practically working all hours to provide for their family.
I wish they would give US, the parents, a choice for our kid. I'd say paddle him. They so far have been great kids in school, but if it came to it well there are consequences to their actions. That is what these kids don't get!!!
So instead of teaching them in a different way about consequences, they get a ticket, a misdemeanor and the parent is really the one who pays. Kids get embarrassed so send them to get paddled AT SCHOOL. Paddling would be a great consequence only because the probably get embarrassed.
Alright enough of me on my soap box. Have a great weekend.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Those pics of candy toss

So I realized I
These 2 teenage boys of mine had such a blast as did I. Alli doesn't do the candy toss with us, she hates the sirens and well, with autism it hurts her ears. So she stays with dad or Nana and we go. So my teenage sons and I do our small, but fun part. The best part of
My youngest also had a blast and it touched him when he saw a small girl glow after capturing Santa's attention.
When our season of candy tossing ends we get a little bummed, but we remember we have next year. I hope the older they get they still want to go with me like they do now. I get excited at the innocence of children when they see Santa - I think it's what keeps me so young :) lol
New Year's Resolution
So I've decided to be more diligent on my blog. I know everyone says that, but at first when I started this it was my own kind of therapy. I am very motivated in the causes to which I belong and a firm believer that one person can make a difference. I choose to try and be one of those people and hope my children believe they can do it too. It's true by the way. I've seen countless acts of one person coming up with an idea and putting it into action. I have come a long way since 2008 when I the phrase "time heals everything" made me cringe. It's a true phrase I'll give you all that, but at the time when things are at there lowest it's not comforting to hear. At those moments usually it's hard to see past a day let alone to see solace in the future. A future you are clinging onto by fingernails to hope gets better. I've been on twitter off & on for years now, but can say like friends that come at times you need them I have met some crazy, hilarious and innovative people. Some from the world of autism who have comforted and given me insight to my 2 children. Some from the EMT world which I hope after school to be a part of. Some just those that agree and disagree with my politics. For whatever reason I came here to write, I am greatful. I know I won't be sticking to ONE certain topic because I mean really - who only wants to talk or read about one topic. (and if this is therapy lol. I don't typically need therapy on one thing) Either way this is a New Year.
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